Choose your package

Carry-on pack – 12x
Svaki dan treba da počne i završi sa Go G sokom
i to je jedna od najboljih stvari koje možete uraditi
za sebe i svoju porodicu. Bez obzira da li birate
Go G Jabuku, Go G Breskvu
ili Go G Višnju.

Sharing is caring pack – 24x
Choose your ideal combo and make a 24-pack assortment of small Go G juices, to be shared
with your friends or the whole family.

Family pack – 8x
The optimal method in order to most benefit your health through Go G is to start and end your day with one of our juices. Whether you are choosing Go G Apple, Go G Cherry or Go G Peach, you just can’t miss the opportunity to create the most colorful day with this combo made up of our 8 large juices.
0,75 l